This week, I was finally able to put my new sewing machine to the test. I wrote about it back in April when I finally decided to spend the extra money to buy from a dealer instead of the fabric store. I’m back to report that it sewed through layers and layers of thick canvas like a pro, and only locked up once on me. So I made the right decision buying it, even though I went through a pretty long hiatus from sewing right after bringing it home.
I ended up making 10 tote bags. While they’re pretty simple bags, I’m pretty proud of them. I used french seams for their construction, so there aren’t any raw edges on the insides. I boxed the corners to give them each a 2.5″ gusset. And, finally, I learned to screenprint.
At first, I really wanted to block print on the bags. But I got stuck when it came to finding a fabric ink that would roll nicely with a brayer, without venturing into oil-based paints. So I decided to continue my at-home-art-school-education and teach myself to screen print.
For my first screen, I was too chicken to try photo emulsion. Instead, I used drawing fluid to paint the image onto the screen. That washes out after a screen filler is applied, and I had myself a screen.
My technique still needs some practice, but my tote bags are all printed and looking cute for the farmer’s market this weekend.